Monday, July 18, 2022

Too Many People Fighting and Hating Over Politics, Religion, and Sports

This morning I was sitting with my coffee and looking at Facebook. I saw the name Ryan Newman coming up a lot. Everyone is praying for him and saying how sorry they are. Would you believe I had no idea who Ryan Newman was? I had to do a search

I did a search for the name and found that Ryan is a NASCAR racer who was in a bad crash. I am sorry to hear about anyone who is hurt and I wish only the best for him. I mean no disrespect to him or his fans. I just did not know who he was.

I have never had the slightest interest in watching sports. I have always wondered why nearly everyone else seems to love it. Why do so many of those fans get fighting mad if you say anything bad about their favorite team? People will actually get into fist fights and hate each other over sports!

It's just about as bad, if not worse, than politics. Click to read the comments when someone shares a meme or webpage about the President or other political figure. People are getting very angry. They are cussing each other and calling each other stupid. Some sound like they are ready to kill. Now, I'm not talking just about your friends list but if you look at a meme you can see the comments on the original post. And most of us have seen the footage from the previous Presidential Election. All the violence and hate on both sides

A few years ago I posted that I was glad basketball season was over so I could stop seeing so much about UK (The University of Kentucky Wildcats) No kidding, a lot of people got mad. There were several people who sent me hateful messages and a couple of those were ones who I had thought were real friends. One guy was even said he wanted to meet me and kick my ass!

It's certainly not limited to sports and politics. I shared a webpage that explained about the ancient pre-christian origins of Easter. I am not against having fun on Easter. We always dye eggs, hide and hunt, make Easter baskets and so on with our kids. But I have this idea that it is good to know the truth about things whenever we can. And it is easy to learn the truth about the history behind our holidays.

So, I shared the website and wrote a comment about the origins of Easter. There was a "good Christian woman" who was always posting Bible verses and "Jesus Loves You" and talking about going to church. This woman sent me a message and cussed me and called me names saying I had no right to try to take a beautiful holiday and ruin it for people. I was stunned at first but then I just thought it was hilarious. She then unfriended me which was fine.

Why do 30,000 Plus People Die On Our Highways Every Year?

Its no wonder that so many people are killed and maimed on our roads and highways. Every time I go down the road I see IDIOTS. And yes, that is what they are.

I am doing just over 60 down 32 and a little car comes barreling up on us. I see it coming in the rear view and closing in fast. After just a few seconds of riding my bumper the car jumps over to the other lane and starts coming around to pass me. This is a very curvy double yellow line area! The car gets almost alongside us and then a truck is coming at us in the opposite direction. The little white car hits their brakes and drops back behind us to ride our bumper all the way into town. Eventually the car passes us and it looked like a kid driving it. I am guessing less than 20 years old but not sure. All this time there were 3 vehicles in front of us and they were no more than 10 feet away from each other! Going down the road at nearly 65 mph and following a mere few feet from each other.

You cant leave the house and go to the grocery store and back without seeing these idiots.

Yesterday I saw a black pickup truck almost slam into the back of this van. They were in a 35 mph zone (old 60 by certified and Hot Rods) and I am sure that truck was doing better than 50. He hit his brakes so hard the backend went up and the nose went down and he was just a foot or two behind her. I was at a stop sign waiting to pull out and saw it all plain as day. If it were left up to me I would take these licenses away and make them WALK.

Just a little while after that we were all on our way home and I had to run off the road because a Pepsi truck was on the wrong side of the road! The driver side wheels were completely across the yellow lines on OUR side of the road.

Am I exaggerating? No not a bit!